Vážení učitelia a lektori,
pozývame Vás na ďalšie pokračovanie našich webinárov na tému - Essential Teaching principles you (might) have forgotten. V tomto webinári sa zameriame na tri okruhy a to slovná zásoba, gramatika a príprava. Tento webinár je svojim obsahom určený pre všetkých učiteľov a lektorov angličtiny. Webinár je pre Vás, našich zákazníkov, zadarmo.
9. 4. 2018 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoľvek s pripojením k internetu
na tému
Essential Teaching principles you (might) have forgotten
Mgr. Danka Sekerková: Make your adolescent students learn the most while you as teachers do not waste your time, nor your energy – these are in my experience the very basic and very simplified principles that contribute to bilateral classroom satisfaction when both you and your learners leave the lessons feeling it was worth it. In this session we are going to look at useful techniques that promote vocabulary acquisition and its long-term retention, ideas how grammar explanation and practice can be made more meaningful and fun through engaging context and multiple media channels and finally share views, experience and tips on limiting your preparation time to minimum.
Target group: Teens
Webinár má kapacitu 20 miest a je vedený v anglickom jazyku. Viac informácii o lektorke nájdete TU.